Parret kender - og havde tilmed besøg af - Bill Gates og hans familie i er der noget om det eller er der ikke? Det er der fortsat ingen, udover hovedpersonerne selv, der ved noget som helst om.
Synes stadig det ser meget, meget mærkeligt ud, at det norske kongehus INTET har meldt ud. Godt eller skidt - jeg mener, det er nogle seriøst alvorlige ting deres kronprinsesse bliver beskyldt for! - Hvis ikke historierne har noget på sig, virker det mærkeligt at de ikke er blevet manet til jorden endnu. Hun bliver jo desideret svinet til rundt omkring på de sociale medier, men efterhånden også i den trykte presse. Det kan jeg jo ikke forstå at man vil lade ske, hvis historierne vitterligt ikke har noget på sig?
Nå, men tiden må vise hvad der sker - det udadtil lykkelige par, skal de virkelig skilles??? Jeg håber det stadig ikke, men er der hold i blot nogle af de beskyldninger mod Mette-Marit, så må jeg sige at jeg virkelig godt forstår hvis Haakon ikke længere ønsker at være gift med hende.
"MM often looked so star-struck with the likes of Clintons, Bill Gates and so. She might end up doing some silly things. Haakon seems a decent loyal person, but there is a limit, one thing he can not tolerate is unfaithfulness.
I can't believe the NRF haven't said anything yet if the rumors are false."
I can't believe the NRF haven't said anything yet if the rumors are false."
"The speculations are increasing and now names are being named. Surely if this is NOT true, the NRF should categorically deny it? Big names and three families are involved in this mess."
"I don't get the PR strategie. Am I missing something? There are two possibilities.
a) It is not true - why allow to have awful things spread about the crown princess everywhere?
b) It is (partly) true [b/] - why not make an official statement and confirming.
I could imagine that maybe c) happened - MM was bored and had an affair - but never planned on leaving Hakoon (like Jonas and Madde). Now it is out in the open .... and it is hard to know what to do."
b) It is (partly) true [b/] - why not make an official statement and confirming.
I could imagine that maybe c) happened - MM was bored and had an affair - but never planned on leaving Hakoon (like Jonas and Madde). Now it is out in the open .... and it is hard to know what to do."
"Someone noted elsewhere that MM has done 10 trips to the US within the last 18 months. That's A LOT. Clearly we've been too preocupied with Mares to notice. Regardles of whether this is true or not lots of colourful things about MM is being revealed. Again - I'm not too sure about the NRF media strategy."
(10 rejser til USA indenfor 18 mdr. ER meget. Specielt for en med flyskræk,
som det altid har været kendt, at Mette-Marit lider af...)
"I can totally see her having an affair with that Norwegian supermarket guy, but for me, the BG aspect sounds like fan-fiction-princess falls for billionaire...
IF this this true, maybe she's going through a midlife crisis?"
IF this this true, maybe she's going through a midlife crisis?"
"If these rumours about Mette-marit's behaviour are true, I honestly wouldn't be surprised. I'm going to say something here that people might interpret as snobbishness, but what the hell - I'm going to go for it! This is what CAN (doesn't always) happen when royalty marry people from a different social class. Imagine being poor, a single mother, struggling to make ends meets, and suddenly you're in a palace, with designer gowns, priceless jewels laid at your feet, the media all over you like a rash because you're 'ordinary' and the whole thing is such a fairytale, you can do no wrong. You have people to wait on you hand and foot - if you're not used to it, you start to believe the hype, you forget where you came from and you forget your humility. You haven't been trained from birth to put your country and her people first - all you see is the goodies, you don't have experience of the hard work that's expected of you. You think you're a celebrity but you've forgotten that you're a servant of the people."
"I hope it's just a rumour. I think these two love each other. I am going to believe that all
is fine in this marriage unless the palace confirms otherwise."
"She has been unfaithful.
The billionaire American is a very famous man and a good friend of hers.
The man is a self-proclaimed vegan and the founder of a very large and important multinational enterprise.
The hotel in NY which she visited has been paid to keep tight because they know a lot.
The Norwegian she's shagged is the Vice President of a large grocery enterprise and the 4th richest man in Norway.
She has even bought a flat in the posh part of Oslo."
Billeder fra i sommer:
Dr. Agbazara er en stor mand,denne læge hjælpe mig med at bringe tilbage til min kæreste, der bryder op med mig for et år siden med hans kraftfuld spell casting og i dag er hun tilbage tigger om at acceptere hende tilbage. så hvis du har brug for hans hjælp i et forhold eller ægteskab problemer kan kontakte ham på e-mail: ( ) eller WhatsApp ( +2348104102662 ). Og få løse dit problem som mig.
SvarSletMin mann og jeg har vært gift i omtrent syv år nå. Vi var lykkelig gift med to barn, for den siste måneden begynte jeg nå å merke litt merkelig oppførsel fra ham og noen uker senere fant jeg ut at mannen min ser noen. Han begynte å komme sent hjem fra jobb, han bryr meg nesten ikke om meg eller barna lenger. Noen ganger drar han ut og kommer ikke en gang hjem igjen i ca 2-3 dager. Jeg gjorde alt jeg kunne for å rette opp dette problemet, men alt var forgjeves, jeg ble veldig bekymret og trengte hjelp Da jeg surfe på Internett en dag kom jeg over en webside som antydet at Dr. Igbinovia kan hjelpe med å løse ekteskapelige problemer, gjenopprette ødelagte forhold og så videre, så jeg følte at jeg skulle prøve ham, så jeg tok kontakt med ham, og han gjorde en trylleformel for meg bare to dager min mann kom til meg og ba om unnskyldning for de gale han gjorde og lover å aldri gjøre det igjen siden da alt har gjort kom tilbake til det normale. Jeg og familien bor lykkelig sammen igjen .. Takk til Dr. Igbinovia. Hvis du trenger en stavebeslag som kan kaste en spell som virkelig fungerer, foreslår jeg at du kontakter ham. Han vil ikke skuffe deg. Dette er e-posten hans: eller WhatsApp / viber +2348144480786 ta ting for gitt og det vil bli tatt fra deg