Dronning Sonja blev igår spurgt om der var hold i rygterne, og svarede at "parret stadig var et par". Stadig? Skal det så tolkes som "så længe det varer" eller som at "selvfølgelig er de det. Hvad skulle de ellers være"????
Jeg HÅBER stadig det blot er ondsindede rygter, men må sige at jo mere jeg læser, jo nærmere kommer de bange anelser...
Mette-Marit har ikke vist sig offentligt siden 2. oktober, hvor Hollands nye kongepar, Willem-Alexander og Maxima besøgte Norge. Hun har officielt været sygemeldt siden, og er det til efter nytår. Men handler det egentlig mere om at få et frirum fra pressen, mens den værste tid i parforholdet står på?
Vi ved forhåbentlig snart mere - og lad os håbe det er godt nyt.
"This situation has shades of Madde and Jonas written on it:
Not seen together for awhile
No reaction from the palace
The queen saying 'still a couple'"
Not seen together for awhile
No reaction from the palace
The queen saying 'still a couple'"
"I think it's very wrong that the palace is silent here, they should hold a pressconferance. There is also an another family involved, I wonder what they feel. It must be horrible for his kids and wife.
Rumors says MM had a one night stand with mr R, after that she fell in love with (not identified) an american. That was the turningpoint for Haakon."
Rumors says MM had a one night stand with mr R, after that she fell in love with (not identified) an american. That was the turningpoint for Haakon."
"The fact that there is no official denial is making me wonder 'when there is smoke......', because you think they'd say SOMETHING by now if it wasn't true."
"This is norwegian man Ole Robert Reitan rumors are saying hade an affair with Mette-Marit. He is very rich, marrid and has 3 children."
"The rumor of MM cheating is very damaging to her, so the NRF should say something about it if it's not true. Also I don't get why Haakon or MM couldn't deny the rumors themselves with their twitter accounts where both used them regularly before."
"It's possible that all the rumors are false, but it seems less likely with each new detail. How did it come to this? They were such a pleasant, devoted couple."
Smukke ER de altså sammen - og tilsyneladende altid glade - og jeg HÅBER det hele er en modbydelig fed og flæsket and! Meeeeeen sådan ser han altså ud, hvis det er. Tror han ville blive en meget eftertragtet ungkarl..... But I hope not!